The Next Retail Concept
LAWSGROUP incorporated the concept of CSV into its retailing model, introducing unique concept stores THE BARN, Zaap Zok and more.
The barn lifestyle store
Collaborated with Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) Design Gallery, LAWSGROUP Retail & Branding sets up THE BARN Lifestyle Store as an additional measure to support entrepreneurship. THE BARN provides a comprehensive consignment service to support startups that are not yet ready to operate their own retail shop on a full-time basis.

THE BARN, 2/F, D2 Place TWO

Zaap6 Zok3, 1/F, D2 Place ONE
To reinforce the mission of “Made in Hong Kong” and “Top 10 Artisans Award” in recognizing and supporting excellent local designs, Zaap Zok offers a unique platform with exhibition spaces and consignment services for local artists and designers to showcase their creativity. Exhibitions and workshops are organized regularly to promote creativity to the public.

Gallery of Apparel, Textile & Embroidery (gaTe) is a platform dedicated to promote the heritage and sustainability of local textile and garment industry. Featured with regular exhibitions, workshops and product showcases, gaTe is committed to preserving traditional craftsmanship and bridging local talents to international platforms.

Gallery of Apparel Textile & Embroidery


hoopla is a new design brand founded by a group of passionate fashion designers. The brand aspires to create bold and remarkable textile and lifestyle products, indulging the senses of contemporary art and lifestyle.